Hi, I’m Cat and along with pooch Hugo in my garden Plotting Shed,
I write fiction and support aspiring authors as The Write Catalyst.

Grab my latest novel:
One reviewer said: “This book captured my interest from the first page, I immediately wondered what was going to unfold next. It’s one of those “unputdownable” books that you can escape into for an afternoon, and you miss the characters when it ends.”

Read my latest blog posts all about my writing life and get lots of top tips if you’re a writer yourself.

Aspiring Author?
Check out my coaching offers, join my Facebook Group, and let’s get that novel you dream of written and out into the world!
I have loved working with Cat on my writing. She is so friendly, genuine and approachable and really showed empathy and sensitivity towards my writing subject. She is really passionate and knowledgeable about her subject and is really positive and cares about you succeeding. I would highly recommend her to everyone!
Faye, non-fiction Writer
I had a lovely one-to-one session with Cat who was patient enough to listen to all my writing troubles while a manic new puppy chewed a squeaky toy to death at my feet! She gave me some great pointers on dealing with the ever-present inner critic, and on how to approach the task of editing my novel.
Faye, Fiction Writer
I really wouldn’t have started writing my novel in earnest if it hadn’t been for Cat’s excellent coaching. She has given me the support and encouragement to enthusiastically sit down to write, has made me realise that my writing is good enough and has really helped me believe in my writing skills.
Jo, Fiction Writer
Just as importantly, she’s also given me the means to motivate myself to sit down to write when it feels tough, and to give myself a break when it’s needed. Cat’s expertise has been priceless, in terms of both crafting my writing and mastering my mindset, which to me are the essential tools of a successful writer.