How to confront a struggle

I want to be a writer. How novel. (no pun intended).

My problem is I never actually write anything.

So, in order to overcome this struggle I have made two new starts: I have created this blog, to try and spur me on, to have something to answer to, to record my various successes and failures – of which I expect there to be some of the first and many of the latter.

The second goal is very, very simple. I have tried numerous times previously to set a writing schedule up – consisting of writing so many words per day (50-500), or a page, or even just for 15mins. But, inevitably I always slip back into bad habits and end up NOT writing. In fact, I’m an excellent planner of writing. But, writing itself: not so much.

Hence the simplicity of this plan: write one sentence per day.

That is my goal. Just one sentence. If I want to continue further on, I can. But, there is no impetus to do so if I feel I can not. I have no idea how I will fare on this journey, but I am hoping that by recording it as I travel along it, there will be some form of commitment. So I guess from here on in, this is my journal of a desire to write…and how to actually turn intention into action.

How to confront a struggle
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