You can’t cheat your writing dream

When it comes down to it, the question is always: How much do you want your writing dream?

Because it takes work. 

You don’t wake up with unstoppable motivation to write every day – if ever. Instead it’s a battle of contrition – of chipping away at the manuscript and story word by word. There’s a certain futility to the action to begin with because the finish line seems so far away. And, even when one attempt finishes, another one begins; whether that’s a complete draft needing to be edited, an edited version needing revision, a submission polish, or when it gets down to it – a whole new story. 

This is the thing about dreams. We can’t cheat them. 

Yes, you could get a ghostwriter and publish an amazing novel. But the victory may feel hollow if you didn’t write it yourself when that was the dream you had. Part of accomplishing the dream is facing the struggle everyday and knowing that you have overcome them. The pride comes not from being a success, but from perseverance and pig-headedness; the stubborn refusal to give up on the desire that burns in your soul. 

As they say: the dream only works if you do. 

Of course, it comes in waves and tides. We can’t be dedicated to a single thing all of the time. We have lives to live too. Responsibilities, health, family – all these not just distract us from those things we say we want, but also enrich our lives enough to remind us why we want it. 

But do we want it enough?

It’s the easiest thing in the world to simply not do it. To offer up reasons why we cannot that eventually become easy to accept excuses for our lack of effort. And the more we choose not to show up, the harder it becomes to step back into the possibility of it. Because to admit that we want it now would be to say that we neglected our dream in the past. 

And when we’ve neglected our dream for so long, it’s painful to connect with the part of us that’s been ignored. 

Regardless, it always comes back to: how much do you want it?

Because if you want it enough, you’ll have to face the shame you feel for not committing to it in the past. You’ll recognise that, in order to achieve the dream, you have to sacrifice the apathy you pretend to feel and instead focus on the deep desire you have to drive you forward until you have accomplished it. 

It doesn’t matter how many attempts you’ve failed before, or the distractions that serve to fuel the procrastination on a regular basis. What matters is if you want it enough, you will make it happen. 


Because you can.

And that is enough.

Need some moral support to rediscover your passion?


  • Shows up for their writing dream regularly and consistently
  • Knows exactly how to spark inspiration and get in the writing zone
  • Is proud of the writing they do and the progress they’ve made
  • Feels confident about sharing their work and isn’t phased by a ‘rejection’
  • Takes risks with their writing, and has a distinctive ‘voice’ that readers love!
  • Has a clear plan that makes their writing dreams an inevitability

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You can’t cheat your writing dream
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