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Cat Lumb
The Author

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The Write Catalyst
Writing Coach
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- How to take the ‘ick’ out of promoting your bookRemind yourself that we don’t read because of a single tweet, or recommendation, or review. We read to connect with a feeling, and as the writer you are the best person to represent the feelings that your book evokes.
- What stories do you believe?Recently, I was asked in a job interview to talk about something I am passionate about. And, perhaps it comes as no surprise that as a writer and someone who writes novels from a Plotting Shed that thing for me happens to be STORIES. But the more I delved into why stories are so significant… Read more: What stories do you believe?
- You can’t cheat your writing dreamBecause it takes work. You don’t wake up with unstoppable motivation to write every day – if ever. Instead it’s a battle of contrition – of chipping away at the manuscript and story word by word. There’s a certain futility to the action to begin with because the finish line seems so far away. And,… Read more: You can’t cheat your writing dream
- When the Writing Dream Comes True…My next novel That Which is Left is Lost will be released on 16 June. And, this time – unlike my debut which is only available as an Ebook only – there is going to be a paperback version! [Check out my Books & Stories Page to see when it’s live!] When we writers talk… Read more: When the Writing Dream Comes True…
- Imagining your Future as a WriterAs writers, we have active imaginations. We stare out of the window and look beyond the landscape in front of us to paint a brighter picture of our future as we’d like it to look. You know the one – where we have a Plotting Shed with a Writing Desk that we go to everyday… Read more: Imagining your Future as a Writer
- Writing as a TriathlonAs a debut author, and a short story writer, it’s taken me a long time to accept that the only way I can share my stories with the world is to talk about them! It seems to be one of the final stages in the writer’s triathlon of self-belief. First you have to swim through… Read more: Writing as a Triathlon
- What Makes a Good Story?Firstly, I always think you need to know what type of story you are writing. Why? Because there are particular expectations for certain stories that we associate with each type. Typically these are known as ‘genres’ – so think Romance, or Mystery, Crime or Thriller. For each one readers will have particular needs that they… Read more: What Makes a Good Story?
- You can’t cheat your writing dreamBecause it takes work. You don’t wake up with unstoppable motivation to write every day – if ever. Instead it’s a battle of contrition – of chipping away at the manuscript and story word by word. There’s a certain futility to the action to begin with because the finish line seems so far away. And,… Read more: You can’t cheat your writing dream
- Imagining your Future as a WriterAs writers, we have active imaginations. We stare out of the window and look beyond the landscape in front of us to paint a brighter picture of our future as we’d like it to look. You know the one – where we have a Plotting Shed with a Writing Desk that we go to everyday… Read more: Imagining your Future as a Writer
- Writing as a TriathlonAs a debut author, and a short story writer, it’s taken me a long time to accept that the only way I can share my stories with the world is to talk about them! It seems to be one of the final stages in the writer’s triathlon of self-belief. First you have to swim through… Read more: Writing as a Triathlon
- The Shiny New Story SyndromeIt’s every writer’s joy to discover a new idea – a spark of inspiration that sets off a chain of possibility in our brain. From seductive scenarios to compelling characters, we love creating that perfect story in our mind and spending precious time nurturing it into something amazing. Only the problem is, we still haven’t… Read more: The Shiny New Story Syndrome
- Turning a Writing Dream to Writing RealityAs we bring in the new New Year I thought I’d share how I made my Writing Dream into my Writing Reality. I hope that other writers reading this (i.e. maybe YOU) can be inspired enough to turn your own writing dream into a reality.
Want to contribute to my blog? I am happy to hear from other writers who want to offer their own advice or share their journey with others.
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