
What Makes a Good Story?

Firstly, I always think you need to know what type of story you are writing. Why? Because there are particular expectations for certain stories that we associate with each type. Typically these are known as ‘genres’ – so think Romance, or Mystery, Crime or Thriller. For each one readers will have particular needs that they […]

The Shiny New Story Syndrome

It’s every writer’s joy to discover a new idea – a spark of inspiration that sets off a chain of possibility in our brain. From seductive scenarios to compelling characters, we love creating that perfect story in our mind and spending precious time nurturing it into something amazing.  Only the problem is, we still haven’t […]

What does it take to finish writing your novel?

The process of writing a novel is not something that can simply be taught. People can advise and suggest ways for you to get started or to keep your motivation going or even how to celebrate when you finish. But they can’t write the book for you, nor can they tell you what is best for the story you are trying to tell. All of that has to come from you.

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