writing goals

How to take the ‘ick’ out of promoting your book

Remind yourself that we don’t read because of a single tweet, or recommendation, or review. We read to connect with a feeling, and as the writer you are the best person to represent the feelings that your book evokes.

When the Writing Dream Comes True…

My next novel That Which is Left is Lost will be released on 16 June. And, this time – unlike my debut which is only available as an Ebook only – there is going to be a paperback version! [Check out my Books & Stories Page to see when it’s live!] When we writers talk […]

Believing You Can Write a Book

Believing you can write a book is a bit like believing in fairies. You have no evidence they exist, but somehow you *want* to believe that they might. The problem is, as grown ups, we don’t believe in the same way as we did when we were kids. And that’s such a shame, because it prevents us from trying so many things. 

How to Balance Writing Time

Every writer will have their own writing routine arising from personal writing goals and what they believe they are capable of in any given time frame. I think we all have our peaks and troughs – sometimes we race on ahead and surprise ourselves with our enthusiasm for the novel we are working on, whilst […]

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